This started a while back and continues even now: Rabid Torontonians and "helpful" members of other municipalities and/or countries offer suggestions like "Let's be Reagan...just fire all of these lazy morons and hire new garbage collectors" or "How about we publish the addresses of the union members and dump our trash on their lawns!" I am not sure if these people are just perilously ignorant of how a union works, or genuinely misanthropic.
Let's get something straight: I am not unionized; I have no agenda in favour of or against unions. But there's a world of difference between a unionized worker and the union itself. If you don't like the way or the fact that a strike is happening, you can complain about the union. You can complain about the union captain, who called the strike. But you never, ever antagonize the people who belong to that union, because they are not calling the shots. A union works because all of its members agree to take collective action to defend their interests. When a strike is called, the union only has power when everyone goes on strike...not just fifteen guys who feel like taking a break. To work when others stop is more or less treason. So how dare these high-handed elitists who are angry about having to drive somewhere to dispose of their trash scorn the union members for doing what has been commanded of them?
2. Anti-health care comments:
Another one that's been raging for awhile, ever since Obama announced his plans for reforming US health care. Nobody believes Canada's healthcare system is perfect. We struggle, we know that. But seriously? Stop using us as your poster child for how socialized medicine can go wrong. Ask any Canadian (well, outside petrodollar-flush Alberta) if they'd rather trade our system for the American one. You will get a firm and resounding NO from the overwhelming majority. We are proud of our universal health care; we don't care to be told we shouldn't be.
3. Antivaccinationists/conspiracy theorists:
I've heard enough from just about every party on the H1N1 issue...vaccine makers, government officials, the WHO (incidentally, an organization I feel would benefit from transforming themselves into the band The Who), scientists, doctors, etc. But the people who are talking the loudest and in the most grating tones are the antivaccinationists and conspiracy theorists who are clogging up the comments page with their declarations of the imminent danger of influenza vaccines.
Some people like to point to the Guillain-Barre syndrome episode of the 1970s (as if medical and vaccine technology hasn't changed AT ALL in nearly 40 years). Others just like to foam at the mouth about how Big Pharma is trying to subdue us all with mind-control drugs. Seriously, what is it about a pandemic that brings all the crazies out of the woodwork? I'm not saying we need to be handing out Tamiflu and other antivirals like candy; I'm saying people need to shut their mouths. Get the flu shot, don't get the flu shot, I don't really care. But stay the hell away from me if you choose not to be vaccinated.
4. This:
"Researchers at the University of Oxford cautioned about the broad use of anti-viral drugs to treat children 12 years of age and younger suffering from seasonal flu. They found anti-viral drugs have little or no effect on asthma flare-ups, ear infections or bacterial infections in children."
Really? The antivirals weren't working?
Maybe it's because none of that shit is caused by viruses!
Asthma is an autoimmune response brought on by triggers such as pollen, smog, and exercise. Bacteria are by far the most common source of pain-causing middle ear infections, especially in children. And should ANYONE be surprised that antivirals do a bad job of curing bacterial infections? Really, Oxford? Really?
5. Anti-Globe and Mail comments:
So you don't like the Globe. You think it's reporting frivolous trash not worthy of even Page Six mention. Excellent. HOW ABOUT YOU STOP READING IT, THEN.
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