This is probably my most frivolous rant yet, which isn't saying much because I've only got five posts to date, including this one. But I digress.
Yesterday, I got a little irked when I opened the Liberal (which is trash anyway, and needs a copy editor STAT), and saw the typical "profile of an overachieving student" laid out on page three, complete with sidebar of supposedly interesting tidbits about the student in question. Like real newspapers, the Liberal likes to use a "complete the sentence" format to elicit these details. This includes the standard "My favourite food is...", "My greatest asset is..." and, of course, the dreaded "Three things I would take to a deserted island are..."
Listen up, people. STOP saying stupid stuff like "food" and "water" in response to this question. The reason this question is asked is because we're trying to learn more about your personality via what is most precious to you, not prove that you passed the third grade and know that humans need water.
For example, here's what I would take:
1. My violin
2. Season 4 of House
3. Sushi
What does this tell you about me? That I like music and value my instrument highly, that I think House is really funny, and that I both enjoy sushi enough to eat it for the rest of my life, and have no respect for food safety (Maybe it's a cold deserted island).
When someone answers "food", "water", or "a life raft", they are undermining the very purpose of the question. You aren't auditioning for Survivor, people! We aren't testing to see if you know which basics are vital to life! We want your personality--so far, all you've shown us is that you're NOT FUNNY! Unlike House.
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