I always feel a little bit bad listening to Cat Steven's music. I mean, he did ask for its distribution to cease. But it's kind of his fault, isn't it? Since his music is just so good?
You know what the speed limit is on King-Vaughan line? Here's a hint: It's NOT sixty, which is what the majority of you insist on doing. It's eighty. I don't care if you have trailer. It's 5:30 am--I should not have to be dealing with bad drivers at this ungodly hour. If I wanted to do sixty, I'd be on Kirby.
Oh, and also? If you're turning right off of Keele, YOU HAVE THE RIGHT OF WAY. Know why? Because I have a stop sign and you don't. So STOP slowing down to 2 klicks and waiting for me to go, because one of these days, I am going to rip ahead of you and you're probably not going to like that. LET'S GET IT GOING, BITCHES!
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